Audio-Visual Hardware Solutions When Customized Work Best

Audio-Visual Hardware in Los Angeles Makes The Way We Interact Possible

Imagine school, church, or work without the vital audio-visual equipment to which we have become accustomed. Luckily, with Vizual Symphony, advanced audio-visual hardware necessary to teach, learn, worship, govern, work, and entertain optimally is achievable. This feasibility is possible with the Vizual Shield managed services program. This is because it puts the latest, state-of-the-art equipment to work elevating engagement, interaction, and collaboration.

Customized Not Cookie-Cutter AV Solutions

One cookie-cutter AV hardware package will not meet the objectives and goals of every organization. That is why we do not use a cookie-cutter approach and opt for customized solutions. However, the standardization of audio-visual solutions within a customized AV program designed for an organization improves productivity. People are more likely to use audio-visual hardware when they know what to expect. That is why part of the standardization process is training users, in-house tech support, and streamlining troubleshooting protocols for common technical issues.

Must-Have Audio-Visual Capabilities

Video conferencing that promotes distance collaboration is becoming an essential part of daily life across industries. Along the same lines, the same is true of lecture capture solutions that enable seamless video and sound recording and replay for on-demand consumption. At Vizual Symphony, we connect clients with audio-visual hardware and more. We are in the business of making clients’ lives more comfortable and more productive. Environmentally responsible educational institutions, municipalities, houses of worship, corporations, and museums alike adopt digital signage to replace print media. Besides, it is a more sustainable alternative with unmatched view personalization and up-to-the-minute messaging capabilities.

Audio-Visual Hardware in Los Angeles

Projectors, Displays, and Accessories

When it comes to projectors, DLP and LCD projectors with projector lenses in standard, zoom, and wide-angle are commonly required. In addition, other projectors such as large-venue projectors and screens, film projector equipment, portable overhead projectors, and slide projectors with remote control are commonly used. But not without an assortment of projection accessories like distribution amplifiers, converters, presentation remotes, transmitters and receivers, and apple-mac adapters.  Also, folding, rear, and front projection screens in 16:9 and 4:3 format suit many applications. As far as digital monitors, options such as 4K HD, Touchscreen, Widescreen, HD TV, LCD VGA, LCD HD TV, and LED HD TV from 22 to 80-inches offer versatility either wall-mounted or for some, on floor stands. But, to be bold go with LCD and LED video walls in various configurations, sizes, and shapes.

Sound and Lighting Equipment

Audio Components like wired and wireless handheld microphones, shotgun microphones, condenser mics, lavalier mics, powered mics, gooseneck microphones for the lectern, and short for tabletop, associated headsets, and microphone stands. Sound systems and speakers are also necessary for some instances. As for lighting hardware, there are systems with LED, color, motion, programmable controllers, and dimmers to set the stage. Because video quality is all about lighting. Moreover, precisely placed lighting reflects positively on the professionalism of the content. in some cases, the stage requires drapery and staging with legs and skirting, stairs, ramps, and backdrop drapery to send the right message.

Audio-Visual Hardware in Los Angeles For Specific Applications

Lecture Capture

Lecture Capture equipment involves camcorders, tripods, and video playback and record decks. In addition to audio playback and record equipment includes audio racks with multiple microphones, wireless microphone kits, and equalizers. Likewise, podiums are essential for some speakers and presenters, whether it is a tabletop podium, floor, debate, or portable lectern podium.


Teleconferencing audio-visual hardware in Los Angeles includes conference phones with external mics, wireless conference phones, and teleconference units.

Huddle Rooms

​Huddle Rooms with tables, chairs, displays, and outlets to charge devices are a growing trend. But, what is the representative AV hardware for a Huddle Room? To that point, the equipment includes cameras, microphones, and speakers for optimal video conferencing.

Is Your Audio-Visual Hardware in Los Angeles Outdated?

By now you know that outdated audio-visual hardware in Los Angeles is a disadvantage. If your AV equipment cannot deliver the results, update, upgrade, or get left behind. We can help you with options to bring your AV hardware up-to-date. But, that is easier than you think. At Vizual Symphony, we are here to make the process as hassle-free as possible. We offer the most technologically advanced hardware. But that is not all.  We also make it affordable. To find more about affordable audio-visual solutions – please get in touch with us now to schedule a free consultation.