Video Wall Decision Makers Must Think Big And Small

In Los Angeles, Video Wall Decision Makers Think Big

A Los Angeles video wall display starts with an over-the-top vision. But, unless the vision coincides with careful consideration, success is left to chance. Here, we explore factors to consider when determining the type of video wall best suited for a specific purpose. Give thought to image quality, shipping transport, moving logistics, location and venue limitations, installation time, and energy efficiency. Of course, many other elements can come into play. Refer to In Los Angeles, LCD vs. LED Video Walls Both Demand Attention for thoughts on additional factors like sight distance, affordability, resolution, and sizing.

Image Seamlessness

When considering image seamlessness let your content be your guide. Due to its denser pixel configuration, images on LCD walls appear sharper than those on LED walls. However, the primary disadvantage for the LCD tiled display is the thin seams between each LCD screen. These visible seams are called bezels, and when of a certain width, can interfere with overall image viewing. The bezel width you select for an LCD video wall dictates the gap size between the tiled displays. The smaller the bezel width, the smaller the gaps and the more seamless the imaging appears.

With steady improvement, display manufacturers continue to engineer increasingly narrow bezels. In the pursuit of a seamless video wall, LG leads the pack. For a more immersive viewing experience, LG offers professional-grade video walls in bezel widths as narrow as 0.44mm. That is less than 2/10 of an inch wide. By contrast, LED video walls do not require bezels between tiled displays. Los Angeles video wall installations of this variety support seamless visuals. The visual content displayed by LED video walls appears seamless and is seamless.

Los Angeles Video Wall Picture Quality

LCD walls provide vibrant fluid colors with uniform brightness in higher resolution than LED technology offers. However, as for contrast, LCDs fall short, unable to match the contrasting ability of LED wall displays. Furthermore, if true black is essential, look only to an LED solution. Also, choose an LED video wall over an LCD version for a broader color spectrum, better uniformity, and a faster refresh rate. For the ultimate in LED picture quality, full-array backlit LED screens with local dimming capabilities deliver the best to Los Angeles video wall viewers.

OLED Superior Color, Contrast, And Clarity

That is until the introduction of Organic Light Emitting Diode or OLED technology. OLED displays are not backlit like LED and LCDs. Instead, self-lighting pixels emit visible light. Self-lit OLED pixels can produce the deepest blacks. Also, in low ambient lighting, an OLED screen can reach a higher contrast ratio than an LCD, no matter the LCD’s backlight technology. That is whether the LCD uses cold cathode fluorescent lamps or an LED backlight. Furthermore, no backlighting allows OLED displays to be notably thinner and lighter than LCDs. Los Angeles video wall OLED displays achieve color accuracy and image clarity like nothing before, even when the display is transparent.

Los Angeles Video Wall Logistics

Transporting a relatively lightweight LED video wall in many small pieces for on-site assembly is easy. Not so with their LCD counterparts. By contrast, LCDs ship in enormous containers, typically the huge display pieces require a freight elevator. This requirement dictates the placement of LCD walls. There are many desirable Los Angeles video wall locations where an LCD installation of a specific size is not an option.

When considering Los Angeles video wall installations, both LED and LCD walls work wall-mounted or floor-standing. Wall mounts are space-efficient and typically permanent installations. Whereas, a floor-standing installation offers display mobility along with easy rear hardware accessibility.

Installation Time

LED video wall installation time varies with wall size and can take half a day to multiple days. LCD walls, while usually faster to install than LED walls, still take Los Angeles video wall technicians at least a half to a whole day to complete.

Installation Location

Although LCD and LED video walls are both exceptionally bright, only LED tiles are outdoor-rated and waterproof. Therefore, for any outside Los Angeles video wall, choose LED. However, while LCDs are suitable for indoor use only, LEDs work indoors and outdoors. When selecting a video wall for an indoor location without windows, either type will work.

Energy Consumption

It may surprise you to find out that LED LCDs displays consume less energy than either LCD or LED display screens. However, if your Los Angeles video wall content is mostly black, the reduction in OLED power consumption is unrivaled.

When You Think Big, Vizual Symphony Thinks Small

This is how it works. You imagine making a big impact and share that vision with us. Then, we sweat the small stuff to bring your ideas in focus. Vizual Symphony loves to make dreams real and we have the skills, tools, and tenacity to do it. Our consultations are always free. Contact us online or on the phone at 626-229-9112.