Vizual Shield Hardware
What can you expect from the hardware you receive as part of your Vizual Shield experience?
The hardware is an essential component of the Vizual Shield managed services program. Business owners are well aware of how expensive audio-visual hardware can be. As part of this unique AV as a Service (AVaaS), you will receive the latest, state-of-the-art equipment included in your solution bundle. Our experienced Vizual Symphony team is continually learning everything we can about the best products on the market. We are proud to be AV hardware experts and work hard to utilize that expertise to benefit your organization.
The type of hardware you will need depends greatly on your industry and your objectives. We know there are no one-sized-fits all hardware bundles for companies and organizations, which is why the Vizual Symphony consultancy is so vital to the process. We will work with you closely to assess your facility and your goals to identify the perfect hardware to meet your organizational needs.
Below are the five primary clients we serve and how the right hardware bundles from Vizual Symphony enhance what they do:
Corporate hardware needs tend to revolve around conference rooms, video conferencing, and presentations. They need the hardware to look just as great as it functions, so we focus on providing sleek, high-tech hardware that will meet the specific goals of the company.
These clients also want the hardware to be very user-friendly. They don’t want to waste time trying to figure out where cords go or how to get something to work. They simply want to get down to business and have everything run like a well-oiled machine—as it should!
At Vizual Symphony, we connect clients with audio-visual solutions that will meet all of these needs. We are in the business of making our corporate clients’ lives easier and their companies more productive.
Educational institutions require a higher level of technology for their classrooms. With each and every classroom application, we adhere to our tagline: “ideas in focus.” Our educational clients include high schools, colleges, and universities that understand their students deserve the best of the best in AV to optimize learning.
Like corporations, educational institutions need their hardware solutions to be use-friendly, appealing to the eye, streamlined, and comprehensive. From facilitating a distance learning opportunity to promoting the best experience for active learning, Vizual Symphony connects you with the hardware you need to enhance educational experiences. It doesn’t matter if your student is sitting in your classroom or is in another state across the country; with the right hardware solutions, you’ll be able to provide the same high quality learning opportunity.
Other common hardware applications for our educational clients include:
- Cafeteria technology
- Announcements
- Special events
- Kiosk way-finding
- Video streaming
- Emergency notifications
Today’s municipalities require top-of-the-line AV hardware solutions to run as efficiently as possible with enhanced communication and collaboration. At Vizual Symphony, we are dedicated to bringing even the most outdated, antiquated offices up-to-date quickly, so they can begin to experience higher levels of productivity and effectiveness within their various departments.
Typical applications for municipalities include:
- Kiosk way-finding
- Announcements
- Special events
- Video Streaming and archiving
- Video conferencing, including for confidential meetings
- Digital feeds and transcription of meetings
- Aides for presentations and speakers, such as a light system to let speakers know when their time is up
House of Worship
Long gone are the days when churches had only a piano, organ, and one podium. These days, houses of worship strive to create powerful experiences through audio-visual technology. Vizual Symphony is ready to connect your organization with the right hardware to create the environment you envision for your church members and guests.
Through our intimate consultation process, we will get to know who you are, who your congregation is, and what the goals are for your house of worship experience. Then, we develop a plan that will include the specific pieces of hardware you need to bring your vision to life.
Typical applications for houses of worship include:
- Kiosk way-finding
- Lobby announcements
- Scrolling messages
- Lyrics during worship time
- Video during the service
- Sermon aides
- Special events
- Video Streaming and archiving
- Video conferencing
- Cry rooms
While a museum may exhibit objects of historical interest, it’s important not to get stuck in the past when it comes to AV technology. At Vizual Symphony, we work to bring museums up-to-date on the latest in technology to better serve their target audiences.
Museum visitors want to have experiences in which they can touch, hear, and feel during the exhibits. This higher-level of learning brings historical facts and information to life. We set our museum clients up with the hardware solutions necessary to accomplish this task.
Typical applications for museums include:
- AV introductions and narration for exhibits
- Kiosk way-finding
- Announcements
- Special events
- Count-down timer until the next presentation
- App capabilities that allow the visitor to engage with the exhibit; for example, once the visitor nears the display, the app will connect to the exhibit and initiate the specialized AV experience
- Video streaming and archiving
- Special video presentations
What Kind of Hardware Will This Include?
Our clients’ applications and hardware needs vary, but here are some of the most common pieces of equipment our clients require:
- Cameras and any necessary camera controls
- Microphones (hidden or visible)
- Screens
- Speakers
- Displays
- Recording devices (cloud-based or attached to hardware on a rack)
- Echo-canceling gear
- Control systems
- Seamless infrastructure, including cabling, fiber, cohesive tech from building to building
- Interactive tools integrated into displays and screens
- Credenzas to keep equipment out of view to achieve a tidy aesthetic
- Huddle spaces in nooks, including cushions, chairs, benches, displays,and outlets to charge devices
- Built-in features for confidentiality with AV recording and presentations (turn off audio/video)
- For the Record service - digital feed recording goes straight to a transcription service
Ready to Bring Your Audio Visual Ideas in Focus?
Contact us online now for a free consultation to get started.
There’s no need to settle for insufficient audio visual technology for your business. Discover the innovative design solutions we offer.
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