Discover how the right technology upgrades for this house of worship transformed the church experience for a local congregation.
This church organization offered both an in-person and online worship option for congregants and visitors. Frequent glitches in audio and video, inconsistent connectivity, low-quality cameras, and poor placement of screens did not give them the level of engagement they desired. The lighting was off, and they had low-quality projectors, screens, and cameras that they could not adjust. As a result, shadows covered the pulpit, and the service was unpolished and lacking in the level of professionalism the church leadership desired. Additionally, church employees and volunteers that did not know how to troubleshoot the outdated equipment.
They were facing several additional challenges:
- Ineffective video displays in the sanctuary
- Poor viewing angles in parts of the sanctuary
- Low quality audio in the sanctuary
- Miss-matched A/V equipment
- Poor quality displays throughout the church

The Goal: After seeing our work in another church, this church organization contacted Vizual Symphony to find out if we could help them to improve their A/V technology, enhance the viewing angles in the sanctuary and provide a better audio-visual experience for church attendees.
Download the house of worship case study and see how you can improve your church experience instantly!
During our free consultation with the church leaders, we explored what wasn’t working and helped the leaders to clarify their vison for their technology upgrade. We identified the solutions that would help them to meet their goals and bring their vision to life. We then presented them with the best technology options to help them create a more powerful and meaningful church service—from beginning to end

Our team planned for their upgrade in two phases:
Phase One: New Video Technology
We installed new video displays on the front wall, which ensured clear viewing from any seat in the sanctuary.
Phase Two: New Audio Technology
Once we installed the new audio technology, the difference was amazing. The process was rewarding for everyone—from our installers to the church leaders to the church members. We were able to eliminate the annoying and disruptive mic feedback, which had been a serious problem in the past. With a little training from our staff, sound booth volunteers could easily run the audio system. They were able to record it and put it online with a few clicks of a button.
Vizual Symphony Alleviates Problems Holding Back Your House of Worship
When it’s time for weekly church services and events, the leaders, employees, and volunteers should be able to focus on worship and meeting the needs of the church body. Technology problems are a distraction and keep the church from doing the important work they have been called to do.
Let our team at Vizual Symphony come up with the solutions your church needs to make your jobs easier. You shouldn’t have to spend every service troubleshooting tech issues. You should be able to tap a button or click a switch and have your audio-visual technology working to create the ultimate worship experience for your congregation. Vizual Symphony is honored to make that happen for you.
Whether you know exactly what you want to do with your tech upgrade, or don’t have a clue, our team of experts will be there to walk you through your best options. You can count on our professional audio-visual recommendations to enhance your church’s worship experience.
Panasonic House of Worship Promotion

The Panasonic Promotion has two main benefits:
- Discounted projector pricing on select models
- Discounted Flat Panel pricing on select models
- Rebates up to $300.00 per model.

“This was a wonderful experience working with Vizual Symphony. They made this a painless process. We appreciated their promptness.”